Friday, April 2, 2010

Chemical peel for face lift

Using a chemical solution to smooth the facial skin by removing its texture external layers and improve damaged. This is useful for people with facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation of the skin.

Phenol, acid (TCA) trichloroacetic acids alphahydroxy (AHAs) are used for this purpose. The exact formula can be adjusted to meet the needs of each patient. Although you can be performed in conjunction with a face wash, it is not a substitute for this surgery will prevent or slow down the aging process.

This brochure provides some basic information about certain types of treatment and the results could be provided. Do not respond to requests, much depends on your personal situation. Once you and your plastic surgeon decided a specific programme for the shell, make sure you know all the details which don't understand.

Decide if it is true that most commonly performed for cosmetics - reasons to improve its appearance and its confidence in soi.Vous can also remove precancerous to smooth the facial and even acne scarring acne control tumors.In skin sometimes health insurance may cover c獺scara.Aseg繳rese check their policy procedure and contact your insurance company before the procedure is carried out.

Skinned formulations such as Lactic acids glycolic or fruits are lighter (AHAs), Alphahydroxy acid and produce light masks.These types of masks can provide smoother skin, more brilliant for people remains not time to recover a phenol or TCA.AHA shell masks can be used to process the fine dryness and uneven pigmentation acne puckering, areas.Apply different concentrations of an AHA weekly or longer intervals to obtain the best medical resultado.Su will make this decision during its consultation and treatment products. An alphahydroxy such as glycolic acid acid can also be mixed with a facial or bottom on a daily concentrations of skin care treatment cream wash to improve skin texture.

Acid trichloroacetic (TCA) can be used in a variety of concentrations, but most commonly used for peeling Medio - profundidad .Fine wrinkles surfaces, surface imperfections and pigment problems are usually dealt with TCA.Los shell act results are generally less spectacular than and not as durable as a phenol Peel.Indeed, Jat shell more may be required to obtain the souhait矇.Une JAT shell restore result is generally shorter than with a phenol Peel.

Phenol is the strongest chemical solutions and product profond.Il shell is mainly used to treat patients with wrinkles thick face, stains or skin areas caused by exposure to the Sun, or precancerous growths.Since sometimes it phenol clarifies the treated areas, pigmentation of the skin may be a factor where not appropriate for usted.Fenol treatment is used primarily in the face; healing may result if applied in the neck or other parts of the body.

All s carry some uncertainty and risques.Il is generally a safe when procedure performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.However and experienced some unpredictability and risks such as infection and scarring, although rare, are possible.

AHA masks can cause burning, redness and an irritation and crusts.However, that the skin is adjusted to treatment regime that will you in these issues.

A shell from the CTC, dried skin will be able to produce the pigment as always; the shell not bleach.However skin, CAW-skinned patients are encouraged to avoid exposure to the Sun for several months after treatment to protect the newly formed piel.Aunque JAT layers is softer phenol can also produce unwanted skin color changes.

With a phenol Peel, the new aspect often loses its ability to pigment .Esto (i.e. If) means not only skin is lighter in color, but you will always have to protect it from the sol.Fenol may present a risk for patients with a history of diseases important card穩acas.Es him aware of the problems of heart surgeon when medical history.

It is also possible that the phenol results some cosmetic unwanted, such amended phenol desigual.Ciertos pigmentation changes masks are fresh, and they may be preferred in some circumstances. Mailed in care of the skin, Uncategorized

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